Tuesday 22 April 2014

4. Wonders Of The World

Writer: Martin Howard
Publisher: Igloo Books Ltd
Year: 2010
Pages: 224
Size: 26cm x 22cm
Price: RM28.90
ISBN 978-0-85734-255-3

Front Cover: One of the Seven Wonders in the world - Taj Mahal

Back Cover: Sydney Opera House

The title has already described the book well enough. This book consists of lists of many  magnificent  wonder in our world (plus one in the space - you will get what I mean if you get this book). Through million years, many  magnificent  monument has been erected by  human  hand; some of them lasting  until  now(The Great Pyramid of Giza), some of it perished and people take it as a legend or myths(Statue of Zeus at Olympia) also there are some of it that has been destroyed but luckily people discovered and restored it (Machu Picchu). This monuments showed the advanced technology the people have in their era and for me personally, I think they are highly intelligent and very creative too. To build something so big and complex without any technologies just like we have nowadays and the construction process take years to be completed and also the monuments can lasted for thousand of years - I really think we  should  salute them for their tireless efforts guys.

However, the biggest appreciation should we dedicate to God. Because, even long before the human developed the ideas to use iron, God already made this world so beautiful, that no one can compete or copy  (check Aletsch Glacier, Amazon Basin, Death valley). This book included the Wonders that God created through the world and some of them take million years to become the stated they are now (Giant's Causeway). 

Furthermore, we, the modern people also like to create amazing, beautiful and huge architectural wonders(please check Golden Gate Bridge, Hoover Dam, Panama Canal)to challenge ourselves on our ability for architectural just like our ancestor did thousand years ago.

This book proved that human abilities are vast and human love to create many impossible and amazing monuments. And also human love to see and  appreciate  beautiful creation  and even though  we may not get our hand to build our own monuments but at least we get to appreciate the monuments out there by reading this book.

So guy, what are you waiting for? Go to MPH and grab one!

I had linked all the places guys, so you can click it and find out more about them. Good Luck!!!



Leaning Tower of Pisa

Petronas Twin Towers

Sacred Mosque of Mecca

Mount Rushmore

Oresund Bridge

Meteora Monasteries

La Sagrada Familia


Giant s  Causeway


Banaue Rice Terraces



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